Listing of some resources to learn R.
I am a big proponent of the use of open-source R for data analysis. This is a list of some resources that could help if you are new to the R-journey. While I haven’t explored all of them in detail, many of them have been useful to me. I must also admit that I have not been actively updating this list, but please feel free to shoot me an email if you find dead links or if you would like me to add anything new.
- R Project http://www.r-project.org/
Point-and-click Interfaces
Two different point-and-click interfaces - Deducer and R Commander (There are others as well, but for beginners, these might be the route to take.)
- Deducer (Software download + manuals)
- Intro to Deducer on Youtube
- Ian Fellows on
- Deducer vs R Commander
- Paper on Deducer comparing itself to R commander and other available GUIs
- John Fox’s notes for installing R Commander
- John Fox’s manual for getting started with R Commander
- Karp (2010)’s introduction to R Commander
- Introduction to R and R Commander by Gutermuth (2010)
- Theresa A Scott’s presentation introducing R commander
- Two video introductions to R Commander are available on Youtube :Part 1 and Part 2.
- A morecomprehensive playlist of R Commander usage on Youtube
- Murtaza Haider:Importance of stats and videos on R and R commander
- R Commander -IPSUR package
- Sharon Machlis’ (Computer World magazine) 60+ R resources
Sharon Machlis’ Beginner’s guide to R
R Tutorial for Beginners from Guru99: https://www.guru99.com/r-tutorial.html
Course from edX: Explore Statistics with R
- Rob Kabacoff: Quick R
- Free Course on Statistics using R
- Jarrett Byrnes: A Quick and Dirty Intro to doing statistics with R
- William King: R Tutorials
- R Tutorials - Twotorials
- Mark Gardener: Using R for statistical analysis
- Chi Yau: Elementary Statistics with R
- Robert Muenchen: R for statistics (author of how R can be used by SAS/SPSS users)
- Winston Chang: Cookbook for R
- Tanbakuchi
- Jonathan Baron: Notes on R for the use of psychological experiments and questionnaires
- William Revelle: Psychometric Theory with applications in R
- Wikibook on R Programming
- Tuimela and Greco: A presentation of basic statistics using R
- Listing of free books at R Statistics Blog: http://www.r-statistics.com/tag/ebook/
- Jenifer Larson-Hall: A Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language Using R
- Paul Johnson’s Collection on tips for R more—- Rock Chalk, Jayhawk!!! :-)
- Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman: Elements of Statistical Learning
- Venables, Smith, and the R Core team: Book/Manual -Intro to R
- John Verzani: Using R for introductory statistics
- John Verzani’scompanion website to book
- Yanchang Zhao: R Datamining
- Videos: Roger Peng: Computing for Data Analysis using R, Course from Coursera - Videos on Youtube
- Introduction to R videos developed by Google
- Code School for trying R code
- Cosma Shalizi: Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View
- OpenIntro Statistics: Free textbook for introductory statistics (using R)
- Max Welling: A First Encounter with Machine Learning
- KD Nuggets: http://www.kdnuggets.com/
- From this blog: Base R versus ggplot2 versus rCharts
- ggplot2 site: ggplot2 versus lattice
- Pugh and Nicholls: ggplot2 versus lattice
- ggplot2
- R Graphical Manual
- Winston Chang’s R Graphics Cookbook
- Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics: ggplot2 handout
- Noam Ross: Quick introduction to ggplot
- R4Statson ggplot
- Graham Williams on ggplot: http://onepager.togaware.com/GGPlot2.pdf
- ggplot2 on stackoverflow
- rCharts and its gallery
- Latticist
- Lattice to ggplot2 conversion
- Robert Cribbie’s Introduction to graphics in R
- Thomas Girke: Graphics and Data visualization in R
Frank McCown: Producing Simple Graphs in R
- Data Journalism Handbook
- Data Visualization- Edward Tufte
- Functional Art - Alberto Cairo
- Blog on visualization: http://vizualize.tumblr.com/
- Longer list of blogs on data and visualization: http://flowingdata.com/2012/04/27/data-and-visualization-blogs-worth-following/
- Visual literacy:periodic table
- Chart suggestions from Andrew Abela: http://www.extremepresentation.com/design/charts/
- Andrew Pandre’s site for some colored versions of suggested charts
dplyr tutorials: http://bit.ly/dplyr-tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWjqLW-u3hc&feature=youtu.be http://decisionsandr.blogspot.com/2014/06/dplyr-tutorial-with-baseball-data.html
Plyr to dplyr: http://jimhester.github.io/plyrToDplyr/
ggplot to ggvis tutorial: http://jimhester.github.io/ggplot2ToGgvis/
R Search Engines and other bloggers
- http://www.dangoldstein.com/search_r.html
- http://www.rseek.org/
- R Function finders: http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/s/finder/finder.html
- R Bloggers: http://www.r-bloggers.com/
- Statsblog: http://www.statsblogs.com/
- Gaston Sanchez
- R enthusiast - graphics and more:http://blog.r-enthusiasts.com/
- Simply Statistics:http://simplystatistics.org/
- Francis Smart: http://www.econometricsbysimulation.com/
- Marcus Beck: http://beckmw.wordpress.com/
- Jo-fai Chow’sresource site
- Kai Xin’s resource site:Whizage
Please feel free to contact me to add more resources here.