
Listing of some resources to learn R.

I am a big proponent of the use of open-source R for data analysis. This is a list of some resources that could help if you are new to the R-journey. While I haven’t explored all of them in detail, many of them have been useful to me. I must also admit that I have not been actively updating this list, but please feel free to shoot me an email if you find dead links or if you would like me to add anything new.

Point-and-click Interfaces

Two different point-and-click interfaces - Deducer and R Commander (There are others as well, but for beginners, these might be the route to take.)



dplyr tutorials: http://bit.ly/dplyr-tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWjqLW-u3hc&feature=youtu.be http://decisionsandr.blogspot.com/2014/06/dplyr-tutorial-with-baseball-data.html

Plyr to dplyr: http://jimhester.github.io/plyrToDplyr/

ggplot to ggvis tutorial: http://jimhester.github.io/ggplot2ToGgvis/

R Search Engines and other bloggers

Please feel free to contact me to add more resources here.